FOR FRENCH OR SPANISH“The days are long, but the years are short” – Gretchen Rubin “The Happiness Project”
Raising children does funny things to our perception of time!
Days or hours can pass agonisingly slowly when you’re trying to get your overtired baby to sleep, when you’re attempting to soothe a grumpy toddler or when you are waiting for an errant teenager to return to the familial fold (past curfew!).
We crawl into bed with relief at the end of a day full of interruptions and irritations, a day that seemed to last a century; yet perusing old photos of our kids brings tears to our eyes, a longing for those same days and wondering where the years went.
When we look back in remembrance, the months have flown and the minutes turned into years. Our non-sleeping infant is walking, our toddler is off to high school and our teenager is now married.